In the development through which mankind has passed, the book "Ephesus" describes äs historical event the "Golden Age" which still lingers in man's consciousness like a far-off wish fulfilment. The events are presented in a wonderfully vibrant language, and are inwardly experienced by the attentive and spiritually open, unbiased reader. How men lived in the Will ofthe Creator, and how thereby theirpath led them outwardly forward and inwardly upward in their development, is intelligibly rendered. They were truly "happy", for they went joyfully through struggle and hardship; they still had genuine helps, because they had connection with Eternity, with the Light-Streams ofGod. After experiencing this book, we can understand why that Age has remained in the deepest memory ofall peoples on earth. The description of how those still quite childlike people,belongingtovarious races,wereledbyamorehighly developed human spirit, Hjalfdar, who was appointed to this task by the Creator, is captivating. He built the first Temple ofGod on Earth with them, and received from the Light the Commandments, the Fundamental Laws of Creation in a form which was intelligible to this people.
The Earth, a star in the Creation-Part "Ephesus", was subjected to tremendous upheavals during this epochlong betöre the ice age known to us; ifhe was to survive, man ofthat time had to fit himself into these events. Only he could succeed in this who.vigilant and joyfully active, followed the elemental and luminous entities whom for a clear understanding the book portrays in their working. An astonishing book, in the judgment of all who read it without bias.
This book moves and shakes, enriches and endows, and is experienced as reality and truth wherever the spirit is open to it.
What do we know about Buddha today? Was he only thefounder of a strange religion, who spent his life in retirement from the world and in meditation? Or was he a greater one? The book "Buddha" shows the figure' of Buddha in a newlight. As Forerunner for the Word of Truth he works in the midst of his people, whom he wishes to lead out of an indolent submission to fate into an active faith. Past happenings come to life.
Abruptly toppled from his princely throne by a severe misfortune, Siddharta-Buddha journeys on the dusty highways of India as a despised pariah. Roused by bitter suffering, he desperately seeks the meaning of life. He finds helpers, each of whom advances him part of the way, in the earthly and spiritual sense. The one-time ruler learns to serve, thereby gaining in understanding. Thus Siddharta experiences all castes, is able to deepen his knowledge in a Brahman school, and in solitude attains to his goal: the recognition of his task, the meaning of his life..
As never before, insight is here given into the preparation and guidance of a Called one, through whom a whole people is to ascend. In visions, a great gift is bestowed on Siddharta: the knowledge of the Invisible, Eternal God Who stands above all the "gods", of the Lord of all the Worlds. Again Siddharta j ourneys on the highways, now as helper and guide to his people. Disciples and pupils gather around him; with their help he is able to anchor the new teaching in schools, monasteries and convents. With the spiritual upswing the outward life of the people also improves, especially the position of the Indian woman. What Siddharta-Buddha began inpure striving, his grandson Gautama-Buddha continues. He is greater still in his knowledge, in his serving. As a protection against foreign invaders, the many, often warring principalities are to be united. How even a Called one with the best volition can nevertheless still fail, and yet find forgiveness and grace in the struggle for the right attitude, is impressively described. He who experiences within him what is undoubtedly the most beautiful part of Indian history, learns of the unspeakable Love and Justice which ever again bestow great helps on mankind.
Hitherto little is known of this great Chinese sage; we know hardly anything about his life and work. In the book »Lao-Tse«, the personality of this leader of mankind on their path to the Light takes on form and shape. It was not fantasy that guided the pen, but genuine vision and recognition. Since nothingthatwas once a living happening is lost in Creation, he who is called for the purpose is able to record it. The time is ripe for us to grasp this and to recognise the connections right up to the closing of the cycle in' the present time.
The outward happening in die life of Lao-Tse from his earliest years is dearly and simply portrayed, Under die care ofLie-Tse the High Lama, die studious boy enjoys a happy childhood; as his companion mrough many provinces of die Chinese Empire, he gathers experiences in daily life, in his association widi people; he discovers their distortions, the vices of the big cities, die erroneous teachings of idolatry; he comes in contact widi the ancient traditional knowledge, learns to distinguish between right and wrong, and matures. He comes to die recognition of his destiny. In the quiet and order of the monastery in Tibet he receives die ultimate knowledge, in order, dien to embark on the fulfilment of his mission.
Although the belief in gods was still alive in Iran when Zoroaster was born, its collapse was imminent. Erroneous beliefs were springing up. Zoroaster was destined - as Forerunner for the Light of Truth - to warn the people of Iran against erroneous beliefs, and reaching far beyond that, with tills people to lead humanity forward to the belief on God, to prepare them for the time of the Final Judgment, and for the coming of the »Saoshyant«, the Helper. Without any initial knowledge of his task, Zoroaster recognises it only in the solitude of the mountains, and discovers the way to fulfil it. With close attention, the interested reader follows how the false forerunner opposes Zoroaster. Linked with the weaving and working in Creation, Zoroaster finds the revelations of the Truth. Then begins his work: Out of depravity and delusion, human beings are to be guided to pure ways, so that gradually they may be led to the understanding of Luminous Truth. Zoroaster treads his path courageously. At the right time he finds the companions needed for his work; he receives help and instructions from higher spheres, and grows inwardly in his task. The people of Iran mature; they become able to absorb the Commandments which Zoroaster received from the Light, and to turn them to good account in active life. In old age Zoroaster records the revelations he was allowed to receive from the Wisdom of the Light, culminating in the proclamation of the Helper, the »Saoshyant«, for the time of the Final Judgment. For this purpose he makes use of a picture-language, which he expands more and more, and etches on thin stone tablets. The value ot the book »Zoroaser« lies not only in the beauty of its language and the elucidation of historical events, but much more so in the experience ot the magnitude of Divine Guidance and Wisdom, sending to each people the Forerunner whom they need in order to mature, and who tells them of the Truth.
In the Light of Truth:
The Grail Message is the main work of Abd-ru-shin (Oskar Ernst Bernhardt, 1875-1941). It is a collection of 168 essays, presented in such a way that they build upon each other, thereby forming a complete picture of Creation. The logical presentation of the material serves to facilitate the reader's comprehension, and the author asks specifically in the Foreword to the Grail Message that one must be "able and willing to examine this matter objectively."
In the Light of Truth: The Grail Message gives spiritual support for the problems and questions that we all encounter in life: Where do we come from? Where do we go when we die? What about fate and karma, Divine justice, free will, the Mission of Jesus, the Son of God, the Laws of Nature and Creation, and many others. The more the reader uses life itself as the criterion for testing the explanations given in the Grail Message, the more the Truth shines from it. In this sense, the title In the Light of Truth is clarified.
In the wide span of its subjects, In the Light of Truth: The Grail Message also gives information about the "grail." While ancient sagas and legends, and modern art, depict the grail as an earthly myth, without being able to provide a conclusive explanation of its significance, Abd-ru-shin describes the Grail as a spiritual reality of the highest order: it is the connecting point between the Creator and His Creation.
In this book the Author opens up the Ten Commandments of Godin their full meaning, embracing the entire life of man - as a help in the happenings of our earth-life, and moreover for our entire existence beyond physical death, as a reliable guideline for our whole life. The interpretation of the Lord's Prayer helps seeking humanity to grasp aright this "key to the Kingdom of God" in its profound significance for mankind and in it the Message of Jesus. The main work of Abd-ru-shin is IN THE LIGHT OF TRUTH THE GRAIL MESSAGE. A special Book which answers clearly the unsolved problems of human existence. The vast knowledge mediated in its pages leads the earnestly-seeking reader, who weighs and examines objectively, out of all the chaos of the presentday confusion and distortion, to clear recognitions.
Scrolls, stones, earthenware fragments from the excavations of bygone civilisations, cities and empires do indeed tell of past eras in human history. Yet these witnesses of former epochs are silent. They convey no knowledge of Creation by which to recognise the working of the mighty Divine Powers that once formed this Creation with which to offer men the earthly home where they were to mature and work - to the glory of God.
The book "From Past Millennia" mediates to the reader true life in the working of the Laws of Creation. The clear descriptions make it possible to recognise the connection between cause and effect in human life. The reader finds the anchorage of the helps from the Light in the figure of Moses, in the working of Abd-ru-shin during his first earth-life at that time, and in Jesus the Son of God on this earth.
The portrayal of the accom panying events leads the reader to grasp the great connections, and to witness the Divine guidance of the peoples, free from dogma, inadequate tradition, and rambling fantasy. The intention of the book is not to reproduce outward happenings, but to make it possible to grasp their far-reaching spiritual connections, and here a simple clear language is of special help.
In the recognition of the timeless values that fill this book lies also the key to solving rhe problems and unrecognised connections of then and now That is the deep meaning of the descriptions in this book "From Past Millennia"
3 Volumes
These books contain facets of the high points and turning-points in the history of humanity. Their purpose is not limited to historical research, but goes beyond such findings. The accounts are free from all the additions of subsequent influences pertaining to power and geopolitics, thus making it possible to understand the events of that time in the context of their origin and course of development. The actual content of the books is the spiritual levelopment of mankind in times past, as received and portrayed by human beings called for the purpose.
contains Krishna's activity on earth and its significance in world history. The Life of Nahome excerpts from the life of Cassandra; her fruitless warnings preceding the Fall of Troy, and the end of her earth-life - tells of Mary of Magdala and describes her quest for genuine love, her recognition of the Son of God and the completion of her life.
tells of the much-debated, legendary Atlantis, and then leads on to the Incas, and their vast realm in Central and South America - how they attained a level of supremacy in human existence, politically, economically and artistically, which is rare in the history of the peoples. This is followed by: the first earthly fulfilment from out of the Light in Abd-ru-shin, his youth and maturing in the Realm of the Ismanites and his life in the Realm of the Is-Ra - the life of Cassandra, her suffering and her untiring help for the people of Troy - the work of John the Baptist - the Creator's Act of Love through Jesus of Nazareth, in which, in the objective, poetically beautiful language of the book, the reader experiences the youth of the Son of God and His recognition:<<! am He".
leads the reader into two great epochs in human history: the struggle for recognition and truth in Ancient Egypt and the fulfilment from out of the Light through Jesus the Son of God. The reader learns the significance of the fall of the Archangel Lucifer, and how he brought affliction and misery upon mankind, who allowed themselves to be led by him. Further writings: Nemare, son of a prince and later Pharaoh in Egypt, strives for Light and Truth in order to be a real sovereign to his people and guide them to the true recognition of God. The Darkness triumphs before he has fulfilled his task. With the Pharaoh Amenophis, good once more prevails. In El Amarna he and his daughter Nefertiti build the Temple to the Glory of the Creator. Egypt blossoms in the new belief in the One God.With their power relegated to the background, the priests plot destruction, "which is unleashed by Tut-ench-amon. The volume ends with the account of unknown events in the life of the Son of God. Jesus recognises His task and mission. He begins to teach and finds the disciples and helpers for His work. This is followed by the life and activity of the Apostles of the Son of God.